Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.
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Festival Italia | Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.

Festival Italia campaign conducted by Isetan Mitsukoshi Singapore. Visitors who answered a simple quiz asking their preferences were eligible to win a coupon that could be used during a visit to the store. In addition to this Italian fair, the company also held the Hokkaido Fair and the Little Tots Fair.


The O2O (Online to Offline) campaign aimed at attracting younger customers, as there were issues in attracting younger customers. Starting with the Italy Fair, online voting and coupon campaigns were conducted at all events, including the Hokkaido Fair and the Little Tots Fair, as sales promotion activities centered on paper media had been significantly alienating younger consumers. Coupons for products suitable for the target customers were distributed, and high value-added products such as tomato sauce, which cannot be purchased in Singapore, were used as an incentive to visit stores. As a result, the KPI target was achieved in 2 days and more than half of the coupons were used.

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