What is Shopify? Why it is suitable for cross-border e-commerce

EC Column


Hello. My name is Saito, and I am a consultant.
In today's digitized world, companies have a wide variety of ways to sell their products and services, and online sales are rapidly becoming the norm at e-commerce.
If you are looking to start a e-commercebusiness or expand your existing business online, I would like to introduce you to Shopify, a commerce platform that is highly regarded around the world for its ease of use and feature richness.

What is a commerce platform?

A commerce platform is a software or service that facilitates the sale of products online. Shopify is a comprehensive platform that provides all the features you need to run a commerce operation, including product management, inventory management, payment processing, customer management, and more.

Shopify's Growth and Why It Matters

The reason Shopify has grown so much is its user-friendly interface and versatility: Shopify is low-code and no-code for building an online store, making it easy even for beginners. e-commerceAll the functions necessary for operation are integrated into one platform. This allows users to focus on their business and concentrate on running their e-commercesite without having to worry about technical issues or complicated system setup.

Shopify's global market share

Shopify has grown tremendously since its release in 2006, and according to BuiltWith data, Shopify will account for 21% of the e-commerceplatform used by the top 1 million websites worldwide in 2022, making it the second most popular platform worldwide. WooCommerce is #1 with 23%, Magento is #3 with 7%, and Shopify Plus is #4 with 5%. Since this data is based on Shopify and Shopify Plus separately, Shopify's overall market share is actually 26%, making Shopify the most popular platform in the world.

These figures show just how important a tool Shopify is for many business owners. In particular, Shopify's high global market share indicates that Shopify is recognized for the rich features, ease of use, and high reliability it offers.

Why Shopify?

Today, Shopify is used by millions of businesses in more than 175 countries worldwide. Its users range from entrepreneurs to major corporations. This is due to the versatility and scalability that Shopify offers, as well as its user friendliness.

For example, store templates are available in a wide variety of excellent designs, allowing businesses of any size or industry, even novices, to choose a design that fits their brand image. This allows businesses to reinforce their brand and improve the customer experience.

Shopify's payment system supports a wide variety of payment methods, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal, not to mention major credit cards. The variety of payment methods allows customers to pay by their preferred method, facilitating the purchase process and reducing cart abandonment rates.

And what makes Shopify even more convenient is the Shopify App Store. Here, Shopify and Shopify's app development partners offer more than 10,000 Shopify apps that currently provide a variety of functions necessary for running a business, from marketing to logistics to customer relationship management (CRM).

These apps are built on the Shopify platform and are developed to address the challenges faced by individual businesses and their specific needs. For example, you can choose an app to improve SEO, collect customer reviews, or enhance Social mediamarketing.

It is worth noting that many of the apps offered by Shopify are free. This allows even newly established businesses to add the functionality they need while keeping costs down and accelerating business growth.

Due to these excellent features and ease of use, brands of all sizes are utilizing "Shopify". These include well-known brands such as "Mattel," "Supreme," and "Allbirds," and well-known Celebrity brands also included.

These companies leverage Shopify's high degree of customization, scalability, robust security, and ability to ship worldwide smoothly to grow their businesses.

Why Shopify is the best choice for cross-border e-commerce

"Shopify" is multilingual and multicurrency compatible, features that are very useful in cross-border e-commerce. In particular, the auto-translation feature can be used to automatically translate the website into the customer's language. It also has a currency converter that allows customers to check prices and make purchases in their own currency. It also supports regional tax systems and shipping methods. These excellent features can be utilized without any specialized knowledge of Shopify.

In addition, "Shopify" has 24/7 customer support, which is very useful in providing quick response to problems and support for buyers from different countries.

In addition, Shopify works with a number of logistics partners, providing the ability to facilitate worldwide shipping. This allows companies to tackle cross-border e-commercewith confidence, without worrying about complex international shipping and customs issues.

As mentioned above, Shopify is the perfect commerce platform for cross-border e-commerce. Its versatility, scalability, and excellent support system make it a powerful tool for successful international business.


Shopify's high degree of customizability and scalability, its ability to support a variety of languages and currencies, and its robust security have made it one of the top-rated commerce platforms. Its versatility and convenience make it extremely attractive to companies working with cross-border e-commerceand a powerful tool to help them succeed. For these reasons, many companies choose Shopify, and with Shopify, the possibilities for your business are endless.

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