Mitsubishi Estate Co.
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CommunityCo-creationCreation of Digital SiteUGC Fostering and Utilization


Rugby media "Marunouchi 15-chome", which was launched in September 2018, is operated by Mitsubishi Estate Co. With the concept of "a town where you can encounter new attractions of rugby", the site has realized "impossible projects" such as "Rugby x Shrine" and "Rugby x Business" by combining "rugby" and unexpected things. In February 2021, the site was relaunched as a community site that enables interactive communication, rather than a media that only transmits information. The site aims to create contents from the viewpoint of "residents" (users) with the help of ambassadors who are nominated by the members of the e-mail magazine and those who have been asked to participate through social networking services. The site is designed to increase the engagement of rugby fans both online and offline, with online roundtable discussions and live events, and offline real-life events in Marunouchi.

In September 2021, a member-participatory co-creation corner, "15-chome Town Planning," was opened on the community website.
In this corner, "residents" (members of the Marunouchi 15-chome PROJECT.) themselves submit projects they find interesting, which are then judged by residents through voting. Those projects that receive a certain number of votes are reviewed by the project's secretariat, and the final selection is then implemented both online and offline by the residents and Mitsubishi Estate Co.

Client Issues

They felt that communication with members was a one-way street, simply sending out information, and that they could not be sure that they were creating content from the user's perspective. Therefore, a questionnaire was sent to existing mail magazine members to conduct quantitative/qualitative research on member attributes, fan categories, and the appeal and level of interest in rugby. Roundtable discussions were also held with highly enthusiastic residents. Based on the results of the survey and roundtable discussions, community management, real events, and online measures were developed.

Post-implementation effects

A survey conducted to learn about the demographics of the existing mail magazine members resulted in a relatively high response rate, indicating that video distribution and online event policies are in demand in the Corona Disaster. Therefore, when an archived video was created and disseminated after the online event was held, the complete viewing rate of the content was as high as 24%.
A pre-launch kick-off campaign was conducted to smoothly transition e-mail magazine members to the renewed community, and the renewal opening took place in an atmosphere of community activation, with 42% of the site visitors contributing, a response that exceeded expectations.
Currently, ambassadors are being recruited through e-mail newsletters and SNS, and 170 ambassadors are contributing to the creation of user-oriented content and the revitalization of UGC as "residents. Roundtable discussions (currently online) are actively held where the "mayor," who is in charge of the operation, and all "residents" gather. At these roundtable discussions, the company obtains highly enthusiastic qualitative information, which is then utilized in campaign measures and real-life events. On average, the monthly action rate is around 25%, MAU is over 45%, mail magazine open rate is 35%, and direct return rate is 27%.


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